How Yoga Helps You Deal with Your Desk Job
Being stuck at your desk all day is not kind to your body. Besides being hard on your back, knees, and hips, sitting in an uncomfortable office chair can have severe heart and health consequences. Yoga can help you reduce these effects and unwind from a hectic day.
The Disadvantages of Sitting
It doesn’t take long to get uncomfortable while sitting. Spending long amounts of time in the same position can even become painful, even when we try to move. Day after day of sitting at your desk for eight hours (or more) means your health will start to feel the effects. Here are some of the ways sitting can negatively affect your health.
- Increased blood pressure
- High blood sugar
- Increased risk for cardiovascular disease
- Weight gain
- Loss of concentration, or brain fogginess
- Increased risk of cancer
- Neck and back pain
Fortunately there are simple ways that you can get away from your desk for a short break to move your body. You can even do a few subtle yoga poses at your desk if you’re short on time!
Yoga Poses to Ease Sitting All Day
Worse than sitting at work all day is coming home and sitting to relax. Yoga has long been extolled as a great way to loosen tight muscles and carry away workday stresses. Give these poses a try to undo the strains put on your back and legs from that brutal office chair.
Mountain-Cat/Cow-Cobra-Downward Dog-Warrior Poses-
- Mountain- Mountain allows you to loosen constricted back and chest muscles by opening them up.
- Cat/Cow- This simple pose is easy and fun to do while relieving lower back pain, headaches and stimulates the digestive organs.
- Cobra- Cobra pose undoes the feeling and damage of being hunched over a desk. Similar to Mountain, it allows you to stretch and lengthen the spine.
- Downward Dog- Downward dog focuses on lengthening your hamstrings, which are vital to keeping your back strong.
- Warrior Poses- For an energy and confidence boost, as well as a total body stretch, any of the Warrior Poses (I, II, or III) will help.
Find out how yoga can help you stay limber and strong even when your desk threatens to wear you down by checking out more at Rasa Flow Yoga today!