Nutrition and Yoga

Nutrition and Yoga

Part of the yogic philosophy is the principle of total health. Many fitness regimes emphasize strength, ingesting incredible amounts of protein, and enduring a lot of cardio. While these fitness regimes can make one stronger, the yogic principle emphasizes something different.

Part of yoga is maintaining a strong body, a strong physicality, and a strong mind. The mind and body work together synergistically and a component of that balance is ingesting nourishing foods that feed the mind and body in a healthy way.

Nutrition for yoga is about balance:

  • eat natural foods that contain high concentrations of vitamins
  • avoid pesticides and hormone added food products
  • include foods that encourage this gentle detoxification and elimination are broccoli, cabbage, pears, brown rice, spinach, kale, quinoa and nuts
  • consider proteins from vegetable sources such as beans, nuts, nut milks, nut butter and protein powders which can be blended with a milk to make a delicious shake 

Yoga poses include twists that aid the body in digestion. 

  • Twists in Hatha Yoga and Gentle Yoga help to encourage elimination and detoxification by stimulating the liver and kidneys and stimulating the digestive fire in the belly. Yogic texts say that twits destroy deadly diseases and awaken kundalini. 
  • Kundalini kriyas boost energy, promote mental clarity, and rid the body of toxins. 
  • Bolster twists in Restorative and Yin yoga reduces stress and anxiety because they quiet the chattering mind. While poses are held for long periods of time they flush impurities from inner tissues and help organs functions properly.