How Yoga Can Help You Sleep

How Yoga Can Help You Sleep

The ancient art of yoga has been practiced for thousands of years because of its positive effects on the mind and body. It reduces stress, strengthens and tones the muscles, and even makes a person fall asleep easier at night. That’s right; yoga is a great cure for those struggling with insomnia.

A Different Form of Exercise

Most people think that all forms of exercise will cause them to feel energized, thus reducing the chances of falling asleep, but yoga works a little differently than this. It calms the mind and reduces tension that has been stored in the muscles all day from stress. So it actually makes it easier for someone to sleep because they feel so calm.

Meditate First

A person should always incorporate a few minutes of meditation before doing any further yoga poses. Sitting quietly for about five minutes will help to free the mind from intrusive thoughts that are often the source of insomnia. After the short period of meditation, gentle stretches can be done. The yoga positions that are chosen should be directed towards the areas of the body that the person feels the stress and tension the most.

Staying Centered

Besides doing nightly yoga before going to bed, it helps to do yoga early in the morning before heading out anywhere. This will help to center the mind and body, so a person will stay calmer throughout the day. Including an afternoon meditation session will further incorporate the sense of relaxation. Each yoga or meditation session only needs to be about 10-15 minutes for a person to get its full benefits. It helps to do yoga at the same times each day. This will train the body to naturally fall into a state of meditation more easily.

Having a hard time falling sleep? Drop by Rasa Flow Yoga for a class or sign up for the Yoga For Sleep workshop on Saturday, November 19th  2016 at our North Vancouver location. Info: 604-971-5230