Pincha Mayurasana (pin-cha my-your-AHS-anna) aka Feathered Peacock or Forearm Balance pincha=feather mayura=peacock
Yogi/blogger J. Brown recently wrote a brave piece dethroning the King and Queen of yoga – Salamba Sisasana (headstand) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand). Though he discussed the very real potential for injury, especially in group classes, his greater emphasis was in regards to sticking to an ideal ‘pose’ in teaching and practicing when in reality it does not serve our body or reflect our body of wisdom. We need to teach what we know, and our knowledge must evolve with our practice over time.
I relate to this because these two poses have never served my body. Maybe it’s my long neck/short arms/long torso combo but I have intuitively refrained from practicing these poses. Since having kids my home practice has migrated to evenings and my full inversions have been traded for partial ones. Now that my children have begun full time school I have again claimed morning (and full inversions) for my practice. In doing so I have found my royal couple! I crown Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (fore arm balance) my new ‘King and Queen of the Asanas’!
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